Learning HTML5 Canvas

For a good while now I’ve been wanting to explore generating visualisations using JavaScript, and there really hasn’t been an easier time to do it with web technologies like Canvas and Processing (via processing.js). As with all things in life there’s never enough hours in the day to do everything. I’ve had the excellent book by Daniel Shiffman, ‘Learning Processing‘ which I’m about 4 chapters into; stareing back at me on my desk for 8 months now. It’s all bright and orange and full of cool stuff! But alas no time… until now. Time for me to pull my finger out and learn something new.

In terms of canvas I’ve already gone through quite a few tutorials on the API and how it works, so I’m not quite a complete beginner. If you are just starting out with canvas one set of tutorials I found particularly helpful is located at the Mozilla developer center (MDC). I must admit I’m struggling to find intermediate tutorials; lots of inspirational demonstrations but the code can make your head hurt due to its complexity.

I’ve compiled a list of canvas related demos and sites below, which I’ve been reading. I’m going to concentrate on canvas for the moment then come back to Processing at a later date.

html5 canvas with liquid particles
Liquid Particles demo by Daniel Puhe


  • Liquid Particles: Loving the simplicity and the bright colours. Try leaving the particles to collect into a tight ball then rip it apart!
  • JuicyDrop: If you ever tried Milkdrop for Winamp you will love this port to canvas. There are four examples of the thousands of Milkdrop visualisations available.
  • HTML 5 Audio Experiment: Another particle based visualisation, this time mixed with audio. I don’t think the particles react to the audio (correct me if I’m wrong!) as it seems to be a repeating pattern. But still very cool!
  • 3D landscape on HTML5 Canvas: Superb 3D visualisation by Seb Lee-Delisle. Canvas may only have a 2D context at the moment but with a little JavaScript magic you can create 3D visualisations.
canvas html5 video in 3d space
Blowing up a HTML5 Video in 3D space using canvas by Craftymind

Technical Demos

  • Blowing up HTML5 video: If the addition of plug-in less video wasn’t enough in HTML 5, check out this demo. Blow up a streaming video with a mouse click.
  • Cloth simulation: It may not sound that exciting but the demo is very clever. Pull and push the cloth with your mouse to see how the mesh changes. Maybe one day we will see Maya ported to HTML5 (it could take a while!)
  • Image Evolve: This has to be one of my favourite HTML5 canvas demos so far. Upload an image and watch how the computer generates the same image using overlapping polygons. The image improves over time; leave it a couple of days and a canvas based Mona Lisa can be yours!
  • Raycaster: If you’ve ever played Wolfenstein 3D this demo will look familiar. It may not look too pretty but it’s a great proof of concept.
retro asteroids in HTML5
HTML 5 Asteroids by Doug McInnes


  • HTML 5 Asteroids: If you are into retro arcade games there are plenty to choose from built with HTML5. Here’s the classic ‘Astroids’ for your time wasting pleasure.
  • HTML5 Pacman: Another classic, this time Pacman. A of version of Pacman hit the news recently when Google replaced their logo with a playable version of Pacman and cost 4.2 million hours of productivity. Not bad people!
  • Experimenting With Textures: Much like the Raycaster technical demo above only a little more advanced. The game actually looks to use some of the original Wolfenstein 3D textures. Now where are the German soldiers?
  • Torus: Looking for a 3D version of Tetris? Look no further as Ben Joffe has done exactly that.
Fire by mr doob
One of many experiments by Mr doob, this one is called 'Fire'.

Compilation Sites & Experiments

  • Mr Doob: If you haven’t seen Mr Doobs site you’ve been missing out. Lots of HTML5 and Flash experiments for you to look at. You can learn lots by doing a quick view source!
  • Chrome Experiments: To promote their Chrome browser Google launched Chrome Experiments. The demos available really show off the speed of the V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Hakim.se: If you like particle visualisations you will love the site by Hakim El Hattab. The HTML5 – Keylight demo is superb.
  • Andrew Hoyer: I mentioned this site earlier with the cloth simulation; but Andrews other experiments are also worth looking at. If you like mathematics you will love these demos. On a side note I’m impressed with the site design too!

Wow there’s a lot to look at there, with more and more coming out every day. So little time! If only I didn’t have to sleep…

