Blog Posts

Latest blog posts from by Matt Hobbs

Feed dedicated to the random web developerment thoughts of Frontend developer, Matt Hobbs. Posts 99% related to either frontend development or web performance.

Auto-spacing input field text

I've never seen this functionality in any page I've used. Auto-spacing a credit card number as you type. I must admit I'm not a big fan of the idea, but lets build it anyway!

New country, new job!

After traveling through South East Asia for three months I've finally settled back into work. I've started a new job at an excellent digital agency called Visual Jazz Isobar!

Writing efficient CSS selectors

With browsers getting faster all the time it's a good idea to remember that not everyone uses them. Writing efficient code is key to maximising device accessibility.

Design for Developers

Design is hard! Well it is for me anyway. Here's a brilliant slideshow for developers to point you in the right direction.

Back to my desk (down under)

As anyone who has worked on the web knows, a lot can change in three months. Time to get back to work and catch up with the latest goings on.